
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Coleman glow stick

Hi guys it's Max here from Maximum Survivalist, with another review for you. Today we're going to take a look at the Coleman Ilumistick  glow stick. These light sticks come in an array of colors. From what I've read and understand green is the strongest and brightest while on the other hand white is the weakest. I use the red and orange for distress and safety. I used a blue one for testing purposes and only tested it for about 6 hours, but I had excellent results and was satisfied. You can also put them in the freezer after the initial use for a longer life span. They have a shelf life of somewhere around 2 years and are great for a variety of uses, such as camping or hiking. You can even use them at home during power outages or when you take the kids out trick or treating. Especially since they are nontoxic and waterproof. Just take them out of there package, give them a snap and a good shake. You will have instant light for about 12 hours. Hope this info has been helpful and as always be careful and God Bless America.

1 comment:

  1. Max, how does these compare to military grade chem lights?
