
Monday, September 3, 2012

CAPSS by Brite-Strike

     CAPSS stands for camp alert perimeter security system. The CAPSS has 135 db alarm with a built red LED flashlight and side blue for signaling. This system comes with all the hardware to set you perimeter up and is great for camping and you can set your perimeter up so that you and your loved ones will feel safe. With the 135 db the CAPSS should alert you if you have a person or an animal in your campsite. Although the CAPSS is used for setting up your campsite you can use it almost any where, such as boating, fishing, hiking, even in your homes. Now I know that there are parents and single ladies that read this and this bit of information is for you. Take the CAPSS and attach it to your key chain and use if for a distress signal, I promise you that it will scare an attacker off. I know that it makes me feel a little more at ease since I am a father of four, two of whom happen to be daughters. Well this has been my review on the CAPSS products you can find your own and more products like this at As always this has been Max Malone with Maximum Survivalist, please remember to be careful and God bless America.


  1. Max you got me sold on this here Capps systems

  2. Hi Ricky, these CAPSS are really that cool.I done a camping trip with my bug out bag last winter and there were coyotes all around us that night. My buddy slept like a baby that night but not me. I was up keeping the fire stoked all night, I guess that I should tell you that these guys are not that expensive considering the fact that they can help keep you alive

  3. Max. Dont mean to butt in. i just read that you do bug out camping trip. Does that mean you got do practice bugouts? Thats a pretty darn good idea if thats what u mean. when you go do the bug outs. whats ur game plan? and how long do they last? can you do a article about this. how u do these bug outs. maybe a article about the lastt one u did. i think it be some good advice.thanks
