
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Adventure Medical introduces the Big Horn

                          The Big Horn Medical kit it designed for the great outdoors. You can take this kit on hunting , camping, boating, ATV, hiking, trips, and you can keep it in your RV .This medical kit has all kinds of things that will help you to survive in your time of need. It has band-aids for small scratches and it has big  bandages for bigger cuts.It has a CPR face shield for someone that needs CPR. These are just some of the things that are in this kit. I have listed everything that is in the kit .These kits are easy to store in your backpack, saddlebag, bug out bag, just about any where, you never want to leave it behind. Now I hope  every one has a medical kit in your home, car and/or office, but if you don't have one then the guys over at Adventure Medical Kit can help you out. They have all  you need when it comes to any kind of medical supplies for the average person . Not only does it have all of the supplies you need for your injury, it also has a guide book written by a physician to instruct you on how to help those who are injured

Here is a list of Contents:

              Field Trauma Pak   (Detachable)                                  Wound Care/ Blister                                 
          1 QuikClot Sport 25g                                                       1 Splinter Picker/Tick Remover Forceps
          1  EMT Shears                                                                 1 Irrigation Syringe 20cc w/ 18 gauge 
          1  Trauma Pad 5" x 9"                                                        catheter tip
          1  Trauma pad 8" x 10"                                                     1 Wound Closure Strips 1/4"x 4" Pkg 10
          1 Cohesive Elastic Bandage 2"                                          2 Skin Tac Topical Adhesive Wipes
          1 Petrolatum dressing 3" x 3"                                            1 Povidone, Iodine 3/4 oz
          2 Sterile Gauze Dressing 4" x 4" Pkg/2                              8 Antiseptic Wipe 
          1 Nitrile Gloves Pair                                                         3 Triple Antibiotic Ointment Single Use
          1 Triangular Bandage                                                        2 Sterile Guaze Dressing 4" x 4" Pkg 2
          1 CPR Face Shield                                                           2 Sterile Gauze Dressing 2"x 2" Pkg 2
          1 Aspirin (325 mg) Pkg/2                                                 2 Non-Adherent Sterile Dressing 3"x 4"
         14 Moleskin Pre-cut and Shaped Pieces                            1 Conforming Gauze 3"
           3 Safety Pins                                                                   1 Nitirle Gloves Pair
           1 Instruction Easy Care Bleeding                                     4 Adhesive Fabric Knuckle Bandage
           1 Duct tape 2 x 50"                                                         6 Adhesive Fabric Bandage 1"x 3"
                                                                                                  14 Moleskin Pre-cut and Shaped Pieces
                                                                                                  1 Cotton Tip Applicator Pkg/2
                                                                                                  1 Instruction Easy Care Wound
           1 Wilderness & Travel Medicine & Comprehensive Guide


            1 Aspirin (325 mg) Pkg/2
            4 Ibuprofen (200 mg) Pkg/2
            2 Anti-Diarrheal (Diamode Loperamide 25 mg) Pkg 1
            2 Antihistamine (Diphenhydramine 25 mg) Pkg 1
            2 After BiteSting and Itch Relief Wipe
            2 Disposable Thermometer
            1 Instruction Easy Care Medication

Again this is a comprehensive kit capable of taking care of most of your possible wilderness injuries. I would recommend this to anyone in search of a Medical Kit. Adventure Medical Kits offer other medical and survival gear, that are worth checking out. 

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