
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

72 Hour bug out Bag

               It is always good to have a 72 hr BOB (bug out bag), that you keep with you at all times.You never  know when the zombies will attack. It is  necessary to have a good bag to carry all of your gear in that you will need , which we will discuss in just a few moments .Now that being said never bug out of your home until it is your last option, it's  always better to stay put and be prepared. Have a good plan drawn up on all the details of where you would go, and what suppliers you will need. Once you do plan to bug out, you should have your gear ready to go. Your BOB will depend much on where your bug out location is. That will be the deciding factor as to what gear you may need. Here where I live I don't have a need for a  lot of cold weather gear. But if you live in cold places sheltering gear,  will be important to have.You can put a bag together fairly cheaply using things around your home.These bags are good to keep at your home in your car even at the the office. BOB can be helpful in a lot of situations such as if you get stranded, or are in  a car accident,or if you simply get lost and don't forget about the zombies. Now let me say that I reorganize my bag fairly often to make room for things I think of here and again. These items include a 3 day supply of my prescribed medicine, just be sure to check the dates on said medicine and change it out from time to time so that it doesn't expire. I know you don't see any food in my bag this is because I change it out to make sure the food is good at all times.

(2) water containers                                                           (1 )map compass
(3) knives (BK7, SOG saw, Cheaper Than Dirt)                (1) compass
(1) 10x12 tarp                                                                   (1) GPS
(2) 9 hour candles                                                              (3) survival blankets
(1) fire steel                                                                       (1) wire saw
(1) spark-lite                                                                     (4) spork set
(1) water proof matches                                                 (150) rounds of 22 ammo
(1) Winchester multi tool                                                   (4) back up batteries
(1) Smith knife sharpener                                                  (1) 25 ft of para cord
(1) 4 pack of super glue                                                    (1) SOG Tomahawk
(1) write in rain pen                                                           (1) medical bag
(1) write in rain pad                                                           (1) LED head lamp
 (1) map                                                                         BRITE Strike CAPSS Alert Security
 (1) first aid bag
 (1) fishing kit
 (2) flares

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