
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lost Treasure

The before picture

            I love looking around in thrift stores and going to auctions. When looking around, I look for knives,camping gear and are survival gear. So one day my wife and I  were looking around in a shop and in a glass case I noticed a knife and I asked to see it and it looked really bad so I gave it back to the lady. After looking around not finding much I ask what would she take for the knife not knowing what kind it was . she said she didn't know what to ask for it so she called her husband and he said $4 .Not being to much I gave that for it. I've dabbled in making knives before and using  Bras so to polish and clean them up. This is some thing that most of the military has used to shine all brass and metal . So I used this with sand paper to sand the rust off and shine the blade and brass . After cleaning it up best that I could it looked like it was a Uncle Henry that's not a real high end knife but it is a good one. Now when you see the pictures you will some pitting in the blade the pitting was deep and I couldn't get it all out but over all it looks nice. I've got an old boy scout knife that I will be working on later. The leather sheath  was made by a shoe maker he done a good job

after me working on it

With the new custom sheath

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